2023 Annual Alliance Conference
HART United’s Executive Director attended the December 2023 Annual Alliance Conference in Hartford. Over 670 attendees most from the non-profit space, 30+ exhibitors, ten workshops, and a stellar keynote made up the day. Governor Lamont spoke about the importance of...

Congratulations, Michael!
Congratulations, Michael for being the recipient of a $2,000 grant from The Probus Club of Greater New Haven. Michael will be using this money towards his summer camp tuition at Horizons this upcoming summer.

Festive Halloween
HART Residents enjoying a costume party for Halloween!

HART Visitors
Our latest HART visitors – Andy Campion (left) and HART Resident Frank Sarno (right) visiting HART office.

Building a Team
The HART supervisors were hard at work building their gingerbread houses after learning that building a team is like building a house.

A Star is Born!
Carrie Smith from Woods Circle was so excited to get her new piano! She has been practicing on her own daily.

Team Building Doesn’t Have to be Scary
The group had some strategy training. Try to eat your doughnut off the string without using your hands and without dropping any of your donuts!Having fun at the Monthly Supervisors Meeting on Halloween!Unicorn LaQuanda won this event by shaking the rope with her mouth...