Team Building Doesn’t Have to be Scary
The group had some strategy training. Try to eat your doughnut off the string without using your hands and without dropping any of your donuts! Having fun at the Monthly Supervisors Meeting on Halloween! Unicorn LaQuanda won this event by shaking the rope with her...
Happy Birthday Simone Sanderson!
A good time was had by all at Simone Sanderson’s 58th birthday party! About 45 people gathered at the Hopeville Church in Waterbury to help Simone celebrate her special day. Also attending in addition to our Woods Circle and Columbia House clients were our...
Track and Field
Three Lawrence Hall Group Home residents will be participating in a Track and Field event at trial games on April 28, 2019, at Hamden High School. The final games will take place on May 5, 2019. Good luck to our three clients that will be participating: Elliott...